Looking for a private investigator can be a daunting task. Often because your matter is of extreme importance to you, and often because your time frame for answers is limited. Best practice is to engage at least limited due diligence is searching for the right private investigator for your needs.
The private investigator you hire should meet a minimum set of criteria. For example, be sure to verify the private investigator your considering for hire is in fact currently licensed thru the State of Florida’s regulatory agency, FDACS – Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services. Second, be sure to verify the private investigative Agency the investigator is working under is also currently licensed thru FDACS. Needless to say, suspended licenses or expired licenses should serve as a red flag in your due diligence efforts.
Other criteria of importance during the selection of a Licensed Private Investigator is the reputation and experience the investigator offers. Most private investigations are almost always exposed to potential subsequent courtroom proceedings, in which the private investigator becomes one of your expert witnesses. The private investigator you hire should have experience in not only conducting investigations, properly documenting investigative efforts, but also have the corresponding prerequisite experience in providing riveting courtroom testimony. All this experience should be supported by the private investigators reputation for honesty, integrity, and truth.
While additional criteria worthy of consideration exists in the selection of a private investigator, this summary is provided as a preliminary review of priority issues that you should consider when you are seeking to hire a private investigator.
If you have another area of concern, please call us and lets discuss your concerns. All communications with Confidential Intell, LLC are in fact, just that, confidential, and never disclosed to a third party. Privacy is a cornerstone of our business practices and ethics.
Florida Licensed Private Investigation Agency Specialty Areas include:
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